The courses cover the following topics:-
The seven components that make a photograph • Light - its quality, hue and the way it behaves • Sunny sixteen rule • The law of reciprocity • The 90 degree rule • Understanding lenses and how to choose them • Metering - understand and control the brightness and ratios of your image • Types of meter and methods of Exposure Control • Handle your camera like a pro • Shadow control, fill-in light and light ratios • Portrait lighting and lighting for still life, products etc • Colour temperarure correct techiques and how to trick your white balance for creative shot composition • Techniques and ways to add power to your image • Hands-0n demonstration on depth-of-field and "BOKEH" • Practical, hands-on demonstratioon in the use of accessory flash • Studio lighting - create your own professional portrait or still life.
Understand the controls and menus, and what they do for your image. Read more..
Fully master your camera controls and set them up for the image you plan. Read more........
If you would like to know more please fill in your details below and hit the submit button, we will contact you. Contact us....
Cell: 074 923 7777
WhatsApp: 074 923 7777
Fax: 086 5653854
15 Fir Tree Grove,
958 Grand Prix Drive,
Weltevreden Park,